In compliance with Chanel Legal, we are required to post the following disclaimer for all Chanel items: 

I Miss You Vintage Inc. has no brand affiliation, association, trading connection, sponsorship, or endorsement from Chanel.  

Chanel is the owner of the Chanel trademarks and we do not claim to have any ownership over these trademarks.

All Chanel products offered for sale by I Miss You Vintage Inc.  are second hand, pre-owned,  previously used, and previously worn items.  We do not offer first-sale or brand new Chanel items. 

Chanel Legal states that no third party authentication company is authorized by Chanel to determine authenticity of Chanel goods.  Only Chanel has the authoritative right to claim authenticity for their goods.  We must state that “The Pre-owned Chanel Goods have not been authenticated by Chanel.”

Although we take a multi-step approach to internally and externally review our previously worn Chanel products, Chanel states that we are NOT permitted to “guarantee the 100% authenticity of Pre-owned Chanel Goods sold on (our) website and/or bricks and mortar stores or represent that Company has the ability to 100% guarantee the authenticity of Chanel branded goods.” In addition, we must state that Chanel does not approve or endorse any of our authentication methods, procedures, or third-party tools used in the process.